Make blind spots and distant operations for heavy equipment such as cranes and towboats a thing of the past. In situations where line-of-sight is impossible for the operator, bring him a second set of eyes. The wireless camera repeater from Netarus is designed to be used with our rapidly deployable camera systems. These camera systems place the eyes and ears of the equipment operator anywhere. Safety is increased, and efficiency improved by making instant visual information available anywhere.
The video repeater is attached in a location where direct line-of-sight is not possible. There are two primary versions of the video repeater:
- Battery powered repeater (RPT103)
- Wired 12VDC (RPT107)
Below demonstrates the location of the repeater on the boom tip with Netarus’ HoistCam™ product line:
Additional pictures of the HoistCam repeater and HoistCam monitor are below.

View from Operator’s Cab on Telescopic Crane with the HoistCam and Repeater Installed on the Hook Block
Repeater is available with both the HoistCam™ for cranes or with the TugCam™ for tugboats and towboats.